Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I'm nobody you should know, other than a guy who really loves being outdoors, immersed in nature. I'm happiest out on a trail watching birds, bugs, snakes, turtles, lizards, or any of the other critters that make wild places their home. I'm equally at home out on a waterway paddling my kayak and observing what wildlife comes my way. I even appreciate the animals and plants that make their home among the canyons of concrete in a city. I started this blog partly to put to figurative paper my experiences with nature but also to retrain myself to be a better writer. Writing is not like riding a bike. It doesn't just come back to you. Occasionally the words flow from the pen (or keyboard these days), but they're never ready for prime time without editing beforehand. This blog will serve to hone my rusty skills and I hope those of you who read this will gain some vicarious enjoyment from reading about my experiences. The title of this blog, "I only went out for a walk..." is part of a larger quote from John Muir, one of the most engaging nature writers ever. In 'The Wilderness World of John Muir', edited by Edwin Way Teale (another legendary nature writer), the final chapter is titled 'The Philosophy of John Muir.' Teale writes of Muir, "In his journal he once noted concerning his lifelong devotion to nature: 'I only went out for a walk and finally concluded to stay out till sundown, for going out, I found, was really going in.'" I've always loved that quote and I feel it truly sums up what I feel when I'm out for a walk and I'm able to lose myself in nature. Enjoy.

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